
Robert Pollock
2 min readFeb 11, 2021


As a kid, I always got the cheap Matchbox and HotWheels cars, the knock-offs from Odd Lots or the pull-back-and-go models whose springs malfunctioned after two whirls. Somehow, though, I’d traded my way into a collection I loved. When I started creating and collecting Ethereum NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and playing in the Minecraft-esque Cryptovoxels space, I realized this was a perfect home for versions of the toy cars I’d loved as a kid.

Launching my own collectible brand!

The construction process for these voxel cars is more time consuming than I like. I download or purchase a quality 3D model of the car (and I don’t want just fancy cars… I want everyday cars… nostalgic cars). I then do some conversion usually to get it to a working .OBJ file.

I import the .OBJ into MagicaVoxel and then I begin editing, cleanup and painting. All my VoxWheels cars are sized for Cryptovoxels megavox features (126 x 126 x 126). Superfluous voxels are edited, detail and imagination go into creating the perfect representation of the vehicle in tiny cubes.

Dirtlover Rally Car

The first car I created was modeled after a Peugeot 206. I’ve been racing this car across many game franchises for years. I know how it handles across 3 consoles and on PC.

My current works-in-progress are the goonies truck and a formula 1 car.

You can grab a copy on Opensea or check them out at https://voxwheels.art.

More updates coming soon!



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